Assoc. Prof. Elif ACAR ARSLAN
Child Neurology
Education Information
– Mastership programme of Pediatric Neuromuscular disorders, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Department
of Pediatric Basic Sciences, Ankara/Turkey (2016-2018).
-Fellow of Pediatric Neurology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Department of Child Neurology.
Ankara/Turkey (2010-2013).
– Resident of Pediatri, Karadeniz Technical University School of Medicine Pediatry Department, Trabzon/Turkey
– University: Marmara University, School of Medicine (English prog.), İstanbul/Turkey (1995-2002)
Overseas work experience: Clinical Observer at Helsinki University Central Hospital, Department of Child
Neurology, 2014.
Research And Interests
Febrile Seizures Neuromuscular Dısorders
Pediatric Epilepsy
Neurogenetıc And Neurometabolıc Dısorders
Mıtochondrıal Dısorders
Neurocutaneous Dısorders
Fetal And Neonatal Neurology
Acquıred Nervous System Injurıes
Neurocognıtıve And Behavıoral Dısorders
Neurological Aspects Of Cns Infectıons
Nutrıtıonal Dısorders, Vıtamın Defıcıency, And Hormonal And Metabolıc Dıseases