Samer Ramadan, a 60-year-old Lebanese-born US citizen, who applied for kidney transplantation due to kidney failure, received a successful kidney transplant at KTU Farabi Hospital. The patient’s kidney donor cousin was French citizen Talat Kabbara. He came from Paris and donated his kidney to his cousin. Transplant preparations of the patients were made by the Department of Nephrology, headed by Prof. Dr. Şükrü ULUSOY. After the legal procedures and examinations required for organ transplantation, it was understood that the kidney of a 64-year-old cousin living in France was suitable for transplantation. After the necessary surgical preparations were made, the kidney of the patient, who was a donor, was removed by full laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. Thus, for the first time in the Eastern Black Sea Region, kidney was removed with a full laparoscopic donor nephrectomy operation by Assistant Prof. İlke Onur Kazaz and Assistant Prof. Fatih Çolak. (This operation, which means removing the kidney from a small incision with closed surgery method, was previously performed manually). The kidney taken, was successfully transplanted to our patient with a team consisting of Assistant Prof. Arif Burak ÇEKİÇ, İlke Onur KAZAZ and Fatih ÇOLAK leaded by Prof. Dr. Serdar TÜRKYILMAZ. The patient who donated his organ is at the stage of discharge and the recipient is getting better day by day and it is planned to be discharged soon.